
How To Change The Color Of Photoshop Interface

Learn to customize the Photoshop interface colour using two easy techniques.

Beginning we will look at how to exercise this manually, then we will employ utilize a script that tin speed up the procedure.

Tabular array of contents

  • Customize The Photoshop Interface Color By Editing The System Files
  • Other Useful Labels
  • Customize The Photoshop Interface Color with a Script
  • Script Credits
  • Downloadables

Customize The Photoshop Interface Color Past Editing The System Files

Time needed:5 minutes.

Learn to customize the Photoshop interface color by editing the system file that contains the colors for each UI element.

  1. Go To The Photoshop Installation Folder

    On Windows go into C:\Program Files\Adobe Photoshop 2021\Required
    On macOS go into the Awarding\Adobe\Adone Photoshop 2021\Required

  2. Find and Backup The "UIColors.txt" File

    On the Required folder, find the file chosen "UIColors.txt" and make a copy to some other location. This re-create will aid you lot revert back to default if you make any mistakes.

  3. Open The "UIColors.txt" File with a Code Editor

    Open the "UIColors.txt" with any code editor. On Windows, y'all can use Notepad ++ (link below).

  4. Search for the UI Chemical element You Would Like To Customize

    From the "UIColors.txt" file, search the attributes (elements) that you would like to customize. For example, the scrollbar is labeled every bit "WidgetScrollbarArrows." Look below for a list of other often-used attributes.

  5. Search For the Color'southward RGB Values

    You can apply Google, or any other search engine to find a color picker that allows y'all to copy a color's RGB values in this format: RRR, GGG, BBB.

  6. Paste the RGB Color in The Corresponding Colour Slot.

    Paste the RGB value in the corresponding slot for the theme that you are currently on. Or supersede the values on all four themes.

    The rows of RGB values stand for the Photoshop themes: Brightest Grayness, Medium Greyness, Dark Gray, and Darkest Greyness.

  7. Relieve the UIColors.txt File

    Save the file to apply the Changes

  8. Restart Photoshop

    You must restart Photoshop and then that your custom colors take effect on the UI.

Other Useful Labels

  • RulerText – Numbers on the Horizontal & Vertical Rulers.
  • RulerMarkers – The lines on the Rulers
  • ScrollingListSelectedDefault – Selected layers in Layers Panel.
  • WidgetButtonStroke – Button outlines.
  • WidgetButtonFillPressed – Pressed buttons.
  • WidgetPillStrokeFocused – Buttons on hover outline.
  • WidgetScrollbarArrows – Scrollbar arrows.
  • WidgetScrollbarElevatorFill – Scrollbar Rectangle.

Customize The Photoshop Interface Color with a Script

You can utilize a script to customize the Photoshop interface color.

Download the script from the link below, then double-click on information technology to open up it. Photoshop will open up likewise and you will see a panel that contains all the attributes and RGB color values.

Click on the Color Swatch to edit any UI element.

When you lot're done, export the "UIColors.txt" file, and save information technology into the "Required" binder.

C:\Program Files\Adobe Photoshop 2021\Required

Script Credits

  • Script by jazz-y
  • Forum with Script Snippet


Click hither to download the Photoshop Script.


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